Kashmir Lit

Work of Mourning

Ather Zia 29 June 2012 7 am. The newspaper guy’s voice sounded wistful; “Dasgir’s Saeb’s shrine at Khanyar is burning”. My father grimaced painfully. My mother heard the news, unusually contained for a person who offered most of her prayers there. She did not utter a word. Her steaming cup … Read more →


By Javed Ahmed Mir It is here, that Heavens plant a passionate kiss Onto the lips of earth, Imagination is fired A sun is born, that Lights but some faces Scorch many a souls It is here, that Eyes see what hearts adorn Hopes ornate what thoughts admire Real meets … Read more →

Stone Pelter

By Lubaid Khan I’m the brightest cloud in the skies of freedom I want to be the sunshine that eradicates dark In gentle autumn’s rain do not disturb my slumber Don’t cry at my demise, I’m still here. I did not die. Disperse from my grave and exhibit no empathy … Read more →

Conversation with Anjum Zamrooda Habib

Eminent Political and Social Activist and the author of Prisoner No. 100 Anjum Zamrooda Habib in conversation with Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander about her life, activism, Kashmiri women, political prisoners and present political scenario You have been active in Social work since 1980s. What is your experience regarding the … Read more →

The Kashmir Bakers!

By Shah Tavseef Mairaj Winters are known for their harshness in Kashmir. And talk about Chillai Kalan, the toughest forty days of the year, you would have to negotiate umpteen times with yourself and your wushnear to venture out of your cozy home till the sun is already halfway through … Read more →

Conversation with Parvaiz Bukhari

Parvaiz Bukhari is an independent Kashmir-based journalist whose articles appear in major South Asian newspapers, journals and magazines. David Barsamian is the founder and director of Alternative Radio, the independent weekly audio series based in Boulder, Colorado. Give a sense of what life is like in Kashmir, day-to-day interactions that … Read more →

I remember, I witness!

By Syed Zafar Mehdi When I peep into the past, I am swamped by a torrent of bitter-sweet memories. I grew up in a small-town of Himalayan valley, nestled amidst the gushing blue streams, lush-green meadows, blooming orchards and romantic houseboats. I would wake up in the morning to the … Read more →

Remembering Agha Shahid Ali

Nawaz Gul Qanungo Woh dard ki shiddat badhaatay hain, main apni yaadaasht They’ve been raising afflictions upon me I polish my memory. The subject is Kashmir’s incessant struggle for justice. And these political verses, written by Muzaffar Karim, a young Kashmiri writer, were whispered not in the corner of a … Read more →

Of Kanger and Stories

By Majid Maqbool I can see my own breath on a particularly chilly winter morning. A thick, blinding fog is covering the street. The trees are withered, desolate, robbed of late autumn leaves that lie trampled on ground. I walk towards the road to board a bus. Inside the bus, … Read more →