Kashmir Lit

Enforced Disappearance of a young Kashmiri woman

Raqib Hameed Naik Doda (Jammu and Kashmir): Inside the dilapidated single story mud house with wood and polyethene sheets covering the roof, Ghulam Mohammad Butt, 88 opens his steel trunk and brings out an old, torn newspaper. Flipping all the pages, he stops at the last and keeps gazing at the … Read more →

The Shadow

Shafi Ahmad As she walked on the road she suddenly felt that some one was following her, or at least, walking side by side. She was petrified by the very thought as to why someone followed her. She stopped, glowered around with hatred in her eyes. She found none. ‘Is … Read more →

What you need to know about the current crisis in Kashmir

The Daily Vox The situation in Indian-administered Kashmir has worsened in recent weeks. Eighty-two people have people killed in clashes with Indian security forces, while thousands of civilians have been injured. Why the unrest though?Kashmir’s summer of discontent was stirred by the killing of a popular militant, Burhan Wani on 8 July. … Read more →

Secrets of the Kashmir Valley

Secrets of the Kashmir Valley: My journey through the conflict between India and Pakistan Author: Farhana Qazi Publisher: Pharos Media & Publishing Pvt Ltd. New Delhi, India Year of Publication: 2016 Pages: 308                      Price: Rs 300 ISBN: 9788172210762 Reviewed by Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander   Kashmir Issue and its … Read more →