Kashmir Lit

Post-Traumatic Hurriyet Disorder

More heads usually means better decisions. When the Hurriyat leaders put theirs together after decades of separation, one thought this basic rule would apply. But as always the Hurriyat leaders proved themselves what they are: a massive disappointment. And these are no ordinary times we are talking about. At one … Read more →

Kashmir Reader and the Journalism of Courage

Rouf Dar, Umar Lateef Misgar & Harun Lone Modern age is defined by media. Every epoch has a certain peculiarity, a marked distinction. The present epoch is characterized by a dominating incision of media and it’s round the clock surveillance of our political and social community. As a matter of … Read more →

What you need to know about the current crisis in Kashmir

The Daily Vox The situation in Indian-administered Kashmir has worsened in recent weeks. Eighty-two people have people killed in clashes with Indian security forces, while thousands of civilians have been injured. Why the unrest though?Kashmir’s summer of discontent was stirred by the killing of a popular militant, Burhan Wani on 8 July. … Read more →

Three Generations of Kashmir’s Azaadi: A Short History of Discontent

Farrukh Faheem How the Right to Self-determination Got Euphemised into Merely Ending Human Rights Violations  When did the question of Kashmir’s right to self-determination get euphemised into Kashmiris’ “grievances” against the Indian state, centred merely on ending human rights violations and better economic support? When did the people of Kashmir, who … Read more →

Counterpoint: Is it really so difficult to hear what Kashmiris are saying?

Mohammad Junaid Among a series of articles that have been written on the Kashmir uprising of 2016, Chitralekha Zutshi’s piece, “The new wave of anger in Kashmir is not just about poor governance but about preserving an identity“, published recently in Scroll.in, took me by surprise. The author makes two broad … Read more →

Is Kashmir Militarily Occuped by India?

A few Kashmiri scholars responded on Facebook to this video by Al Jazeera+, titled “Is India’s military presence in Kashmir an occupation like Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territories? Since its a slight introduction to an important seminal conversation, Zeerak Shah captures the responses for Kashmir Lit. “Kashmiris are not fighting … Read more →