Kashmir Lit

The State of Domesticity

Mudasir Ali Lone Domestic abuse is a universal phenomenon and Kashmir is no different. I believe if we have to understand any particular society and how it functions we should take a look at their day-to-day language, the way they converse about various things, the terms, words, and phrases they use. … Read more →

Sindbad Machama

Revisiting the Legendary Radio Serial Fareeha Farheen Qureshi Radio Kashmir Srinagar’s famous Kashmiri drama that came up in the late 1960s “Sindbad Machama” has been so popular among masses that people still remember Srinagar’s “Zoon Dab”, “Sindbad Machama” was one of its kinds to initiate the entertainment programs via the … Read more →

Jammu & Kashmir’s National Song

Syed Junaid Hashmi Did the constituent assembly declare the poem written by Maulana Masoodi and recited by Sheikh Mohammed Akbar at the request of the president of the assembly Ghulam Mohammed Sadiq in the year 1952, the National Song of the state? Historical records and research studies conducted by various … Read more →

Traveling to be a Stranger

Bhavana Nissima I wanted to write on this topic. That it was about me. And how I travel. But I forgot to write. And then I wrote. Maybe because I recently discovered how to enjoy the 15 minute-navigation through heavy traffic and three signals to reach the park that is … Read more →

A Former Police Officer Remembers Jagmohan Days

Masood Hussain writes about a “witness to the goriest 1990s, former police officer Israr Khan was part of the set-up that escorted Kashmiri Pandits, out of Kashmir, on Jagmohan’s directions. His clan served the Dogra army for decades but was hit by the division of India to the extent that … Read more →

India Weaponizing Spiritual Tourism

Pilgrims headed to the divided region of Kashmir get armed guards and national encouragement — if they’re Hindu. By Raksha Kumar This article was first published in Foreign Policy   SRINAGAR, INDIA: An Indian Hindu pilgrim begins his trek to one of the holiest Hindu shrines at the Amarath cave … Read more →

What India does and what Kashmiris do?

Shafkat Raina Recently an unfortunate incident happened in Chandigarh, a union territory of India where a doctor refused to treat a Kashmiri patient citing the reason of stone pelting on Indian troops in Kashmir. In an another shocker, a threat was given to the students of Kashmir in the state … Read more →

My brief meeting with Parveena Ahangar

A young student pens his first meeting with his role model Parveena Ahangar, chairperson of Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) Sheikh Saqib  The first thing I saw was her hand. Dainty, holding the stick of a placard which said,” where are our dear ones?” Then more of her emerged … Read more →

A letter from the massacre

Bilal Handoo  Inside her home overlooking the Chenab, the story started on a sad note. Dusk had long dimmed Doda town when she showed a bundle of nerves before narration. Everything had quietened. In that hush hour, she started with a sweater that her father wanted her young seamstress mother … Read more →

The Day of Sabzar’s Funeral

Sheikh Saqib On an exceptionally hot Saturday morning, I along with my friends was riding to a village, to explore the destined place and trek its mountains. We stopped a few kilometers back and bought some junk food and bottles of soft drink and mineral water. Everyone was excited about … Read more →

Why are People Protesting in Kashmir

  A Citizen’s report on the violation of democratic rights in the Kashmir Valley in 2016 Following the alleged extrajudicial killing of 8 July, in the violence unleashed by state armed forces unarmed protests were met with sustained attack by the Indian Army, J&K police and paramilitary, including with the … Read more →

Kashmir from Orient to a State of Exception

[This essay has been published in The Funambulist Issue 8, Nov-Dec 2016] Ather Zia   Kashmir, the Orient Historically the global imagination has often reflected on Kashmir, the erstwhile Himalayan kingdom through scenes of colonial idyll, wilderness, and romance. This imagery was fine tuned through works like “Lalla Rookh: An … Read more →